Déc 27 2015

Christmas Advert

Another Christmas advert with TV hosts that the 3e should recognize 😉


Hope you all had a good Christmas.

Déc 11 2015

3e4 – Vote for the best show title

Click on the link to VOTE

Déc 11 2015

3e2 – Vote for the best title

Click on the link to vote

Déc 8 2015

3e- Mara Justine

You can read the whole text about Mara here

If you want to see Mara’s performance, here is her audition



Déc 8 2015

Idiom – Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Today’s idiom is Don’t judge a book by its cover

Leave the translation in French in a comment 😉

For example, don’t judge Susan Boyle before you hear her beautiful voice!!

Déc 7 2015

3e6 – VOTE

Click here

Nov 29 2015

Understanding numbers – 3e

Here are some understanding exercices about numbers if you made some mistakes in the test:

  •  a good website (listen and click on « check your understanding »)
  • another website, click on « Listening Exercises of Numbers »
  • listen to phone numbers and here (listen, write and check, click on « show »)


Nov 25 2015

BGT – Jonathan Lutwyche

Here is the video of Jonathan


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