Nov 23 2017

4e – I need help 2

>> Matching exercises:

ex 1

ex 2

>> Reorder the sentence: ex 3

>> And revise the vocabulary about the stationery:


>>Crossword with words from the situations:

crossword 2

>>Fill in the gaps:ex 4




Juin 9 2016

4e – Sky High

Take this quiz to see

What’s Your Sky High Super Power?

and leave a comment 😉

Avr 29 2016

4e – videos H&M

Watch the video we studied in class


Another video by H&M


And a French video inspired by the first video we studied


Avr 8 2016

Irregular verbs – another rap song

Yes, it’s possible to have fun with irregular verbs 😉

So HAVE FUN learning and listening


Avr 8 2016

Enjoy your spring holiday!

Have a nice break!

Do some games on the blog, do some homework and relaaax!

Avr 2 2016

4e- Congratulations

Congratulations to all the CHAM students in 4e11, it was a great evening yesterday!

Mar 30 2016

4e- training for your test

Here are some games and recordings to train for your test:

Good luck for your test!

Mar 23 2016

4e – What NOT to wear.

Here is the complete video of what we started watching in class


Leave a comment to give your opinion about Megan’s makeover 😉

If you want to know more about the show, click here

And to do more training for your test go here