Déc 11 2015

4e – training

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pb cards

Déc 3 2015

4e- A new idiom

Today’s idiom is « Break a leg »!!

it doesn’t mean     but   it means 

Nov 22 2015

4e – Idiom

Do you remember the idiom we’ve seen this week? (leave a comment 😉

It means: to be nervous or excited – often associated with a physical sensation in your stomach 

Nov 8 2015

4e – Help I need some help!

Listen again to the situations we listened to in class  Listen

Oct 15 2015

4e – song

Here is the song we studied in class, sing along!!


Oct 12 2015

Pronunciation 2

Here is the video we watched in the classroom today


Did you find it funny? (leave a comment)

Oct 9 2015

4e – Pronunciation

here are the recordings we did in class, repeat the words:

Look at the video to help you pronounce it


Do you like the video? leave a comment 😉

Oct 1 2015

4e – What’s wrong (recordings)

Listen to the recordings again and repeat them

situation 1

situation 2

situation 3

situation 4

situation 5

situation 6