Avr 8 2016

Enjoy your spring holiday!

Have a nice break!

Do some games on the blog, do some homework and relaaax!

Avr 6 2016

3e- April Fools Pranks of 2016

Best pranks of 2016


New glasses by Google


What do you think about these glasses?

Avr 2 2016

4e- Congratulations

Congratulations to all the CHAM students in 4e11, it was a great evening yesterday!

Avr 1 2016

3e- April Fools’ Pranks

Watch the best April Fools’ Pranks of 2015
April Fool’s gag or real science? take this quiz

Another quiz about this tradition

Mar 30 2016

Winners in 4e

Thank you everyone for voting!

in 4e11: n°5        and           in 4e9: n°2.

Congratulations Lihaimine and Lucas  😀 😀

You did a great job!


Mar 30 2016

4e- training for your test

Here are some games and recordings to train for your test:

Good luck for your test!

Mar 23 2016

4e – What NOT to wear.

Here is the complete video of what we started watching in class


Leave a comment to give your opinion about Megan’s makeover 😉

If you want to know more about the show, click here

And to do more training for your test go here

Mar 21 2016

Compréhension Orale 2 – 4e

Listen to the document again about Sally