Déc 22 2015

Christmas games

  • Here is a crossword about Christmas
  • And anothereasier game
  •  a video  about Christmas shopping and some games below*  (* below = en dessous)

Leave a comment to tell me which game you prefer

Déc 21 2015

Christmas adverts

While you are waiting for Christmas to come, here are some British adverts, Enjoy!!



Déc 17 2015

4e – What’s this?

If you want to watch the video again


and try the karaoke at normal speed!!



Déc 17 2015

4e – Irregular verbs

Listen to the verbs and learn them!!

And a good website to revise all the verbs

Déc 17 2015

Yesterday was all about Star Wars!

Here is a video with the Star Wars music: enjoy!!


Déc 14 2015

Christmas words – 4e

Listen and repeat the words we’ve seen today.

(bien écouter jusqu’à la fin ;))

Déc 14 2015

A fun video starring Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama is encouraging young people to go to college (= university) and raps! a cool video!!

What do you think about it?


Déc 11 2015

4e – training

Entraînez-vous à partir des images dans le document joint:

indiquer le problème et demander de l’aide

pb cards