Mai 23 2017

2nde- robots

  • To do the crossword made by Romarick in class today: click here
  • If you want to learn more about NAO or Aldebaran click on the following link or picture


NAO can also dance:


Fév 4 2015

2nde – past simple

  • Here is a website to revise  a lesson about the past simple. Do the exercise at the bottom.
  • Check if you know your irregular verbs with this game
  • How to pronounce -ED ending?

-do this quiz

– Do this other quiz about pronunciation (open it in a new tab), listen to the text here

– watch a video and do the quiz (under the video)


Jan 21 2015

2nde – Sherlock

When you think you know your text, try to do this quiz

Jan 16 2015

2nde- Exhibition

I found this trailer on the Internet for an exhibition at the museum of London, it looks like an interesting exhibition


learn more here

Jan 14 2015

2nde – A video

Watch the video and fill in the gaps

Jan 11 2015

An extract from The Hound of the Baskervilles

Here are  the crime scenes you drew with the most elements from the extract:

In 2nde 2+3 and 2nde 6:

2nde2+3 2nde6



Jan 4 2015

2nde – Sherlock Holmes, a webquest

Are you a Sherlockologist?

Take your book p.38 and find if the statements in 4. are true or false.

Look at the following website

Déc 16 2014

2nde – create your cover

You can use this website to create your DVD cover online. Good luck!!