Jan 11 2017

1ère – present perfect or simple past?

  • Here are some interactive exercises:

ex 1   ex2    ex3       ex4


Oct 3 2016

Idiom – colours- a white lie

Here is the song we listened to


Sep 18 2016

1ère – Name of the laws during segregation

Click here to read about the name of the laws and the origin of their name.

Juin 21 2016

Leave or stay in EU? the vote is on Thursday!

Here is an interesting video to understand the debate:


Juin 9 2016

4e – Sky High

Take this quiz to see

What’s Your Sky High Super Power?

and leave a comment 😉

Juin 7 2016

Muhammad Ali

A sad news last Saturday…Muhammad Ali died but it’s a great occasion to remember him…

Read more here

And do the quiz (click on « start »)

Avr 29 2016

4e – videos H&M

Watch the video we studied in class


Another video by H&M


And a French video inspired by the first video we studied


Avr 29 2016

An interesting video

And you…how is your brain working? 🙂
See the interactive map here