Juin 10 2018

3e – websites – biographies

You can find biographies for kids here:

link 1

link 2

link 3

link 4

And a link to find famous quotes

link 5


Mai 21 2018

3e – Pronoms relatifs

Quelques jeux pour s’entraîner à employer les pronoms relatifs: WHO, WHICH, WHOSE

Avr 29 2018

3e – listening training 2

Script de la vidéo: 

  • Niveau plus facile (choix des mots): ici


  • Niveau plus difficile (mots à écrire): ici

Avr 28 2018

3e – NAO and revisions


  • Listen again to the document and fill in the gaps with the words you hear

  • check your answers here
  • If you want to learn more about Nao check here


1/ Robots’ abilities: can/ could / be able to/ be capable of

  • do the exercise and check your answers here
  • Another exercise here

2/  chores vocabulary:


Mar 19 2018

3e – Robots’ skills

Find some help for your exercise here

Mar 7 2018

3e- Humans – the series

Watch the trailer of the English version of the series:




The original version is Real Humans (it’s a Swedish series) (we watched an extract from this series)



Fév 26 2018

New Year Resolutions – revisions

Here is the exercise we did in class to revise

Jan 28 2018

NY’s Resolutions – a video

Compréhension orale:

Find the resolutions (answer the questions as you watch the video): HERE