Déc 7 2018

Advent Calendar – Day 3

A classic children story about Christmas in the USA  is The Grinch


You can listen and watch the whole story


Have you seen the movie with Jim Carrey?

Here is the trailer

And the trailers of the new film

Nov 22 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s Thanksgiving in America! Happy Thanksgiving to Americans 🙂


Even in space, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving!

Have a look at this video about the story of Thanksgiving

and a funny video with singing turkeys

Nov 5 2018

News – Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night

Remember, remember!
    The fifth of November,
    The Gunpowder treason and plot;
    I know of no reason
    Why the Gunpowder treason
    Should ever be forgot!

In Britain, November 5th is Bonfire Night, the anniversary of a plot to kill the king. In 1605 a man called Guy Fawkes was part of a plan to blow up the English parliament, but he was discovered and didn’t succeed. To celebrate this day, people usually go to a fireworks display and burn a model of Guy Fawkes on a big fire!

> learn more in this video

> and this video about the history

answer the questions about the video (sous la vidéo) (click on task 2 and 3)

>> play this game


Oct 5 2018

Today is …World Teachers’ Day!

Say something nice to your teachers 😉

Avr 28 2018

News: the Royal baby’s name is…


Click on the picture to know more

Mar 5 2018

Oscars 2018 – the winners

[youtube]https://youtu.be/XFYWazblaUA[/youtube]Have a look at the winners of the Oscars winners

Watch the trailer of this year Best Movie


Fév 26 2018

News: « The Beast from the East »

What is the « Beast from the East »…learn more in this video

Key words: shivering, gloves, hats, snow, winds, thermal, Siberia, cold air, temperature dropping

Fév 8 2018

Today is the beginning of the Winter Olympics

Learn more about South Korea where the Winter Olympics take place this year

Watch the video we watched in class


and see the official website

See all the sports again here
