Avr 3 2017

1ère – Phenomenal Woman – listen

  • Check if you know the poem here
  • See a great illustration of the poem
  • Listen to the poem to help you memorize it[youtube]https://youtu.be/VeFfhH83_RE[/youtube][youtube]https://youtu.be/aCp3WEdxNQs[/youtube]


Avr 2 2017

1ère- Phenomenal Woman

Revise the vocabulary of the poem here

Find more information about Maya Angelou to answer the Webquest here

Mar 19 2017

1ère – beauty ideal

Mar 14 2017

1ère – Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Watch this video to see that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, beauty standards vary around the world


Mar 13 2017

1S – Cinema

Here is the trailer of the film we’re going to watch next Monday 🙂


Mar 12 2017

1ère – Dove – Change one thing…

Answer a few questions about the video

See the longer version of the video

Mar 12 2017

1ère – Compound adjectives

  • Revise the compound adjectives here

Mar 7 2017

1ère – Women’s Ideal Body Types Throughout History

Watch the video you worked on in class, this is the uncut version:


You can have a look at the pictures of the 11 different body ideals here


And check if you know your vocabulary: here