The story of Bonfire night

The story started in England in 1603 with a man called Guy Fawkes.

Qui est Guy Fawkes, star de la Bonfire Night ? | Londres Magazine

A little group of 13 catholics was created by Robert Catesby.

At that period the catholics were persecuted in England. The group had a plan: it was to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill the king.

So, they rented a cellar under the house of Lords in the Parliament and they put 36 barrels  of gunpowder in this cellar.

Baril Vin Tonneaux De - Photo gratuite sur Pixabay

On the day of the State Opening of Parliament in 1605 (a day when the king/queen comes to the Parliement to know about the new laws and make a speech), Guy Fawkes had the mission to go in the cellar and to crack the match to blow up the Parliament. But, a few days before, Lord Monteagle received an anonymous letter who said « don’t go to the parliament on the day of the opening because the Parliament will be blown up, say it also to the king ».

تويتر \ Gareth Harney على تويتر: "The anonymous letter sent to Lord Monteagle warning him not to attend parliament on November 5th 1605. “..devise some excuse to shift youer attendance at this

So, in 1605, on that day, Guy Fawkes was captured in the cellar and he was taken the the Tower of London where he was tortured.

And on January 31st, 1606 he was executed in front of the Parliament.


The Queen Elisabeth II

Elisabeth II was born on april 21st 1926 in London.

She is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as well as fourteen other sovereign states.
When her uncle Edward VII (initially heir to the crown) renounces his rights to marry a divorced woman, it’s her father who becomes king. As the eldest daughter of George VI, she then becomes first in the order of succession.

She acceded to the throne on the death of her father, in February 1952. Her coronation on June 2 1953 was broadcast on television all over the world.

Since 2015, she has been the longest reigning monarch in England.

The Queen has carried out major constitutional reforms in the United Kingdom. It notably supported the independence of the administered countries, transformed the British Empire into the Commonwealth of Nations.

Mort du prince Philip : son incroyable geste romantique le jour de son mariage avec la reine Elizabeth II - Voici

The Queen of England is a very important symbol for the English. They describe her as a caring Queen who is always smiling ! 

Elizabeth II aperçue au volant d'une voiture, dix jours après avoir été mise au repos forcé - Le Parisien

By J

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