St Andrew’s day


Who is St Andrew ?

St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland from one thousand years.

Andrew was one of Jesus’ first disciples.

Andrew was very sad when Jesus died.

He wanted to tell everyone about Jesus.

He travelled to lots of countries and became the patron saint of Romania, Greece, Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

Patron saints are considered as holy individuals who protect people or places.

He was a fisherman and one of Jesus’ first Apostles.

He was sentenced to death by crucifixion by the Romans in Greece, but asked to be crucified on a diagonal cross as he felt he wasn’t worthy to die on the same shape of cross as Jesus.

This diagonal cross is now used on the Scottish flag – the Saltire.

The story says that Scottish people are descended from an ancient population called the Scythians, who lived on the Black Sea (this is now Romania and Bulgaria).

St Andrew converted them to Christianity.

How did he become the patron Saint of Scotland ?

He became the patron saint of Scotland many years after he died.

According to a legend, a Greek monk called Regulus had a dream in which he was told to carry the bones of St. Andrew to the end of the Earth.

But why ?

Because Scotland was so far from Greece that Regulus thought it was the end of the Earth.

His boat landed on the East Coast of Scotland. He buried St Andrew’s bones and built a church on top.

And now the village has been renamed St Andrew.

St Andrew was officially named the patron saint of Scotland in 1320.

What & when is this celebration ?
How is it celebrated ?

Andrew is said to have died on November 30th that’s why every year people in Scotland, Greece and all over the world remember and celebrate the life of
St. Andrew on that date.

St Andrew’s Day is also a holiday in Scotland but considering that is not a law, so some people will still go to work!

But what is this celebration in this Celtic country?

On this occasion, the churches are full.

There are numerous commemoration and especially cultural and culinary celebrations.

Normally, celebrations might include a special type of party called a « kay-lee” where people do Scottish country dancing.

This celebration is much appreciated by the Scottish who put on their kilt and make-up their face in blue and white. It’s also appreciated by the tourists.

To take advantage of saint Andrew’s Day which marks the beginning of winter festivals, it is possible to go to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Oban, Irvine and of course, Saint-Andrews…

Some traditional dishes are savored accompanied with local beers.

The most famous traditional food eaten, is the cullen skink – which is a type of fish soup.

By T &P

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