Halloween 👻🎃

Today we talk to you about this tradition, which is celebrated the 31st of October. Halloween is a celebration of multiple origins (it is called Samhain in Ireland and in Scotland and it’s celebrate for 2500 years).

Before, people thought that on that special night of Samhain, a border between the world of the dead and the living was opened and the spirits took advantage of this to visit their loved ones.

At the time, Halloween meant « the return of darkness, the presence of night and demonic beings ». « It’s a frightening party where the supernatural world and the world of the living mix ».

Many legends were invented around this theme. For example, the Jack O’lantern. It’s the story about a man who was miserly and self-centered. He had manipulated the devil and at his death, the paradise and the Underworld were denied and he was condemned to wander with a lantern.

That’s the reason why we decorate our home with a pumpkin and a candle inside, it’s to represent the Jack O’lantern’s lantern.

The legend says that Jack reappears every year on Halloween night with a lantern carved out of a turnip in his hand.

The modern tradition is to encourage kids to dress up with scary costumes. And in the evening they go to their neighbors door to get candy with the famous phrase « trick or treat ».


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