🥗World Vegan Day !!

Did you know there is a world vegan day ?

World Vegan day originated in England in 1994, when vegan animals rights activist Louise Wallis was looking for a suitable setting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vegan Society, her aim wasn’t only to emphasise the continued existence of a vegan assocation but also to draw attention to the fact that the word  » vegan » had found its way into the English language.

Wallis set November 1st as the date, as it falls exactly between October 31st which is Halloween ans the mexican Day of the Dead, which falls on November 2nd. Since November 1st 1994, World Vegan Day as thus provided a welcome occasion for vegans in all parts of the world to celebrate and further promote veganism with all its positive aspects.

Happy Vegan Day🌱 !!! (a bit late…)

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