NEW YEAR !!!!!

Christmas is over you were able to receive the gifts you wanted, I hope! But let’s talk seriously, the new year is passed, you must have eaten well (especially with christmas we all gained weight during these holidays) we had a lot of fun, yes. But now a new year begins with new resolutions. Maybe you still haven’t written anything so let’s do this together!

First, start writing a list with all the things you’re proud of. For example, I’m proud to be self confidence, I’m proud of being cheerful all year long, you know something like that.
Secondly, stop thinking about the bad memories of the past year and let go of your nostalgia by thinking about the best memories of the year 2023. Personally, I know that I was often sad last year but I have more good memories than bad ones, and the one I remember the most are birthdays or this shopping day I did with 7 other friends.
Then, stop thinking about what you hate most about yourself or make it a strength you’re proud of and write down all the positive things about yourself at the third person singular as if you were someone else and tell everything you like about that person. For example, I’m sensitive and I used to hate being sensitive but now I’m proud of it because I understand people more easily and I can help them, or as another example what I like about this person is his smile.
Now, it’s time for new resolutions! Write down all the things you would like to do, don’t be afraid, you have twelve months to do them. If you want to get into sport, do it. If you want to paint, do it. If you want to take care of your body, do it. If you want to eat chocolate, do it. Anyway the point is that if you want it, you’ll get it !

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