How to revise while staying focused?

If you haven’t heard of it recently, a new revision method has surfaced: doodling while revising!
Scribbling, normally thought of as a casual activity, actually boosts attention and helps you memorize tedious texts or speeches, concludes a study by the University of Plymouth (England). The study asked the 40 participants to listen to a two-and-a-half-minute message including several names of places and people, while half of them did some doodling. In the end, it emerged that the latter had memorized an average of 7.5 names, compared with 5.8 for those who had remained inactive. « A simple occupation, such as doodling, may be enough to prevent him from daydreaming, without affecting his performance on his main task », announced one of the teachers.

So next time you’re revising, do it while scribbling!

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