My first and my last halloween

I celebrated Halloween only once in my entire life. It was with my cousins when I was seven years old. I experienced a Halloween party for the first time, and I got so many sweets! At the end of the evening, I had 2.3 kilos of sweets and for me it was amazing to have that amount. During the « trick or treat », we knocked on doors, we said « trick or treat  » and one woman told us that she didn’t celebrate halloween because she didn’t think that halloween was a great celebration and after this, I know that the only one guy’s who did not celebrate halloween.

Last year, I wanted to try to celebrate Halloween for a second time but the weather was different. When I asked my friend to go, I pulled the door and I felt some water on my arms, it was rainy, I was completely wet, so I returned in my house and I watched a movie with my family. So I celebrated Halloween only once.

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