In Alabama, you can’t laugh in a church with a fake mustache

In Alabama, there’s a peculiar law that says you can’t wear fake mustaches in church if they make people laugh. It’s one of those odd rules that nobody really understands, but it’s there in the books.

Some say this law goes back to a time when people used to pull pranks during church services. Maybe someone wore a really funny fake mustache once, and it caused such a ruckus that they decided to make it illegal.

Even though it seems like a silly law, it’s still in place today. But most of the time, nobody really pays attention to it. You’ll still see people wearing fake mustaches for fun, just not in church.

For some, it becomes a bit of a joke in itself. They’ll say things like, « Watch out for those fake mustaches in church, they’re illegal! » It’s just one of those quirky things about Alabama.

So, if you ever find yourself in church in Alabama and you’re tempted to wear a fake mustache, just make sure it’s not too funny. Otherwise, you might be breaking the law!

Joggers run on the A13

Without any cars on the highway which connects Paris to Vaucressson, the A13 shelters a lot of animals but also JOGGERS! In fact, the highway A13 is closed for a crack on the freeway and some individuals are trying to enjoy this closing by doing some sports. We can see it on this photo, where a group of 5 joggers is running without any disturbances or disruptions and without any engine noise, the best place to do a jogging! Nevertheless, we have some risks to run on a freeway which is broken.

Let’s see what indicates law. The law indicates that it is forbidden to run on a freeway because it is reserved to cars, but the city of Paris is tolerant and they will take it in consideration if there is a problem.

Remembering Robert Badinter: A tribute to a legal and moral legacy:

Robert Badinter was a politician and a justice minister under François Mitterand’s presidency. He was known for his fight against the death penality in front of the parliament in 1981. He was born in 1928 and died on February 9, 2024. That is why the president, Emmanuel Macron paid homage to Robert Badinter and wanted to put his corpse in the Pantheon. He got a doctorate in law in Paris and was part of the socialist party.


Fichier:UNESCO logo.svg — Wikipédia

UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation ) is an international organisation that establishes peace for international cooperation about education, science, and culture. UNESCO was created in 1945, just after World War 2 to preserve peace and diplomatic relations between memberstates after massive destructions of this previous conflict that made a lot of material and moral damages in the World. That is why UNESCO was created, to rebuild peace and cooperation in the world, between all memberstates. This organisation is separated in 3 parts, World heritage for example has a significant purpose on protection of natural and cultural sites. Indeed, it has to talk with memberstates to preserve world heritage sites all around the World. The Education sector also has an important aim to defend children rights and allow them to go to school and Science Sector which occurs to collaborate with WHO ( World Health Organisation ) to find ways to make some advances in Science. Audrey Azoulay is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of UNESCO. To conclude, we can understand that UNESCO has an important goal in world development of world heritages, education, and science.



The international day of french language is celebrated on March 20th every year and it was created by the United Nations.
Its purpose was to diversify and share languages all around the world.
Languages have significant roles, it is useful to talk and share emotions between people of a same country, or it can also make relations between people.
The United Nations created this international day to remember that multilingualism is important and it serves to preserve an international share and relation, to make a cultural heritage and maybe to show french powerness by making it important in the United Nations.
Indeed, this day is celebrated with cultural events as concerts, exhibitions and also debates to tell about french culture and its history.

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