1 law in South Korea

Did you know that it is illegal to silence your phone camera in South Korea?

This law prevents ill-intentioned people from taking photos of people without their permission. In South Korea, no phone is sold without the little ‘click’ when you take a photo, and it’s impossible to deactivate it. I think this law is a very good idea and we should do the same in France.

Kendji Girac shot wounded

Kendji Girac is a singer and he was born the 3rd July 1996. He was very famous in 2014. But in the morning of the 22 April 2024, he was found with a bullet in his lung. So? he was transported at the hopital of Bordeaux.

According to the police investigation Kendji Girac says that he shot himself so that his wife wouldn’t leave him. But this version is a rumour, as there are several versions in circulation.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞 🍩

What do you do on the first Friday of June? Celebrate National Donut Day. This year it will be on June 7, 2024

This is not an anniversary commemorating the first donuts in America concocted by Dutch immigrants in the 17th century. National Donut Day exists since 1938. Chicago’s Salvation Army created the day to honor the women who served donuts to soldiers during World War I. Sometimes, these women would even come all the way to France to supply American soldiers with donuts.

This day is mainly celebrated in the United States and in Canada.

Nowadays, bakers take advantage of this holiday to offer their customers exceptional deals, or create new recipes, icings or toppings that are out of the ordinary.


The prestigious routes of Santiago de Compostela

Hello everyone
According to legend, after Pentecost, Saint James undertook a mission of evangelization in Spain. He landed on the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia, and from there headed for Galicia, a region in the extreme north-west of the Iberian Peninsula. After several years of preaching, he returned to Jerusalem, where he was tragically beheaded. Two of his faithful followers then took his body and placed it in a boat, braving the elements by setting sail.

Driven by the wind and sea currents, the boat eventually ran aground at the bottom of an estuary in Galicia, where the town of Iria Flavia, now known as Padrón, was later founded. The two disciples of Saint James chose to bury his body inland, in a place that would later become the city of Santiago de Compostela.

There are several ways to make the pilgrimage, the main one being the GR65. It runs from Le Puy-en-velay to the city of Santiago de Compostela. But there are also pilgrimages to Portugal, Jerusalem…
I hope this article has been of some use to you!

See you next month

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