A bizarre law from Hong Kong

A Hong Kong law would allow women cheated on by their husbands to kill him, necessarily with their bare hands, and then kill her husband’s lover as she wishes.

Some websites declare that this law is false but others say the opposite. There is also no information such as the date when this law was passed.

It’s up to you to do your research if you want to know more ! 😉

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games, a major global sporting event, bring together athletes from all walks of life to celebrate excellence, competition and friendship. Held every four years, the Olympics offer a unique platform to promote unity and diversity through sport.

Athletes train for years to achieve the highest level of performance and proudly represent their country at the Olympic Games. It is an opportunity for them to go beyond their limits, inspire millions of people around the world and share unforgettable moments of competition and emotion.

The Olympic Games are not only a sporting spectacle, but also a symbol of peace, solidarity and mutual respect between nations. The athletes compete in a spirit of fair play and friendship, highlighting the Olympic values of excellence, respect and brotherhood.

Beyond sporting performances, the Olympic Games are an opportunity to celebrate cultural diversity and foster intercultural exchanges. Athletes and spectators from around the world come together to share their passion for sport and create connections.

Thank you for reading !


Valentine’s Day

Every year on February 14, couples from all over the world prove their love through gift exchanges and little touches.
Romantic cards to fill with a romantic message, heart-shaped chocolates, bouquets of red roses…: so many symbols that we all know, and that are sure to resurface every year in our stores and on our screens as we approach this iconic Valentine’s Day.
The origins of this celebration are however more mysterious.
The oldest celebration of Valentine’s day dates back from an annual pagan celebration known as Lupercalia, or the Lupercales. This festival, held on February 15, was intended during ancient Rome to celebrate fertility. The men undressed, sacrificed a sheep or a dog, and covered themselves with the skin of the animal sacrificed in order to increase, they thought, their fertility before meeting young girls.
It was at the end of the 5th century that Pope Gelase I put an end to the famous Lupercales. Shortly afterwards, the Catholic Church made 14 February a feast day to pay homage to the martyr Valentine.
Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, this holiday stems primarily from our ability to love, an ability that has connected humans for many centuries. Although it no longer consists in making us wear the skins of sacrificed animals as in the time of the Roman Empire, the festival still exists, and everyone likes to please the people who are dear to them.

The day to fight harassment

The week against bullying is annually held from November 15th to 19th since 2004 in the United Kingdom, thanks to the Anti-Bullying Alliance, which brings together around 140 member organisations. This year’s theme was “One Kind World”, a caring world. It’s a big event in the UK, with several thousand schools taking part. The best way to fight harassment is through awareness, promoting values of respect and tolerance. Parents and teachers play an active role in preventing bullying. This week also aims to help people know how to react if they witness a case of harassment, or simply how to behave in front of harassers.

In France, the national day against bullying takes place on November 9th. Established in 2015, this day is an opportunity for school communities and their various partners to organize various events in schools, colleges and high schools or more widely at the local level: conferences, awareness sessions, exhibitions, role-playing, cooperative workshops. This day of mobilization is one of the highlights of the anti-bullying program at school.

Thanks for reading ! ❤️


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