Welcome back!

LCE pupils, this blog is YOUR BLOG! You are going to make it live as much as you can! You will have to write articles quite often on different subjects and create games to make your classmates play with, on the subjects we are working on.

I really hope you will like it! Make the most of it! It’s YOUR BLOG!

Your first mission with this blog will be to create the NEW image of the blog.

You will have to do a « montage » of images of English-speaking countries and you will publish it on a padlet. To go on this padlet, you can click on the widget « Blog image challenge » on the right of this page. Then, on padlet, everyone is going to vote for the best montage, and I will put it to change the current image of this blog!

Let’s have a nice year together!

Miss Suray

Your adventures start here!

This is YOUR BLOG!!!!

You are in charge of it!!!

You must propose new ideas to fill in this blog, so that you can be happy to come here, to share great things with your classmates and then, you will be proud of it!

To go and see the different articles, click on the different categories just above!

How to Create a Blog in 2018 (Step-by-Step Guide ...

Know more about Halloween!

What do people do to celebrate Halloween?

On Halloween, children love to dress up as a skeleton, a witch, or a ghost and ring the bells asking people « Trick or Treat » « some candy or a spell ». Halloween is also a celebration for adults. Adults often organize disguised parties. Usually, we like to visit the haunted house, decorate the house, watch horror movies or decorate pumpkins with the remake of Jack o Lantern.

The Jack o Lantern is one of the best known symbols of Halloween. Originally, in Ireland and Scotland, the population used rutabagas, but the migrant refugees in the United States replaced them with the pumpkin whose harvest is in full swing in October.

Halloween: the Origins

Halloween is the foundation of a Celtic festival in Samhain that dates back more than 2,500 years and is considered as the ancestor of Halloween.

It celebrated the end of the year and the beginning of the New Year.

At that time, Irish and Scottish migrants settled on the New Continent to escape the Great Famine in Ireland, bringing with them their tales and legends.

Since then, Halloween has been celebrated in the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and Great Britain.

This celebration was exported to the United States by the Irish in the 19th century, but it became the party that we know today in the mid-19th century.

By Ugo and Baptiste

What’s in your suitcase?

Take a picture of your suitcase full of many things you take and say what are the most important things you take when you go on holidays.

Go on this Padlet to publish it ;-)!

Fait avec Padlet


Travelling tips!

On this Padlet, write some travelling tips and give advice to people who have never travelled in their life!

You can also comment the publications of the others!

Fait avec Padlet



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