Powerscourt estate and garden

We went to Powerscourt estate and went in the garden, it was beautiful and the sun was shining. We saw a traditional japanese garden and big sequoias, we also saw the pepper pot Tower and we almost saw the sun set.


Jeanie Johnston ship

Jeanie Johnston — Wikipédia

We visited the Jeanie Johnston ship, the second day, after the Epic Museum. Thanks to the guide ( he was very nice ), we learnt how the Irish people left Ireland during the famine and what were their living conditions in the ship. The boat transported 200 persons on one travel, and the Jeanie Johnston ship did 16 Atlantic crossing. In this boat, there were no deaths and one baby was born, thanks to the very good doctor Richard Blennerhassett. The price of one ticket was 3 pounds on the other boats, the ticket cost 6 pounds so it was very expensive for the Irish people.

The Jeanie Johnston ship is a beautiful boat and the guiding tour was very cool, it was a very good visit.


Bray-Greystones walk

We really liked this walk because we saw lots of beautiful views.
We did many sportive challenges which were really funny. We saw some animals like cows, penguins and lots of birds. We climbed a mountain, it was very hard.

Causey Farm

Causey Farm

It is a farm located in Girley, Fordstown, Co. Meath, C15 P83R, Ireland, where we made bread, where we visited there are dogs, puppies, llamas, camels, rabbits, goats, sheep, chickens, pigs (we gave them bread) and ducks.
Then, we painted on walls and we made bubbles.
Then, we played music with instruments and we danced, we played a shooting game where you had to put boots in hoops.
Finally, we jumped in the mud.
It was really amazing.

Thank you very much this trip !!!


Epic museum

We visited this museum the second day. We learnt a lot of things about the Potato famine and the emigration. With a passport, we explored all the pieces, stamping in each room. There were quizzes, videos, lights, sounds and interactive things and always in beautiful and realistic settings. This is really an incredible museum!

Eva P & Eva V

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