April Fool’s joke! 🐟

April Fools’ Day: a fun tradition! 🎉

The month of April has arrived, and with it, the traditional April Fool’s joke! 🐟 This tradition, which is over 500 years old, consists of playing a trick on your friends by making them believe that a fish has really come out of their ear or nose. 🤣

The origin of April Fools’ Day is uncertain, but it is generally attributed to medieval Europe. 🌍 According to legend, April 1 was considered the day of the Annunciation, where the archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that Christ would be born. 🎉 Christians celebrated this day by playing tricks on their friends and making them believe that fish were coming out of their ears or noses.

Today, April Fools’ Day is a fun tradition that is practiced in many countries. 🌎 People create fish out of paper or cardboard, tie them to strings, and pop them out of their friends’ ears or noses. 🤣 « Victims » are often surprised and amused by this joke, and it is common to see people falling into the trap.

But April Fools is also an opportunity to get closer to friends and share a moment of joy and relaxation. 🤝 It’s important to play tricks in a friendly way and not take things too seriously.

In summary, April Fools’ Day is a fun tradition that allows you to get closer to your friends and share a moment of joy and relaxation. 🎉 It’s time to take out the paper fish and play a trick on your friends! 🐟

I hope you enjoyed this article! 😊

Valentine’s Day <3

Hey guys!!!!
It’s February so Valentine’s Day!! <3
Do you have a Valentine or like me will you spend it alone???
Today, I’m going to give you two main ideas:
Ideas for those celebrating with their Valentine and ideas for those who celebrate alone.

Let’s start with people affected by Cupid:
°If on the 14th it is warm enough to stay outside long enough why not having a picnic with petals, a few candles (unless you are afraid of creating a fire), some good food with some pastries like cookies or a cake in the shape of a heart !!
°Do you remember the tents we even create during sleepovers? Why not recreating the same atmosphere by watching a good film. Don’t forget to cook some snacks together or buy them together, the goal is to spend as much time with each other as possible!!!
°Would you like a romantic getaway? It is possible to spend time at the swimming pool or an amusement park together and keep only good memories <3
°You can stay at home, create a good atmosphere, with candles for example, and write yourself words, love letters and write sweeter words than usual, say all the beautiful things that you think about your Valentine 🙂
–> Also, if you’re interested, plan personalized gifts <3 There are plenty of DIYs on the Internet 😉

For singles like me ¨^¨ –>
°Ice cream is a good option to pass the time (I recommend salted butter caramel).
In short, it was to make them desperate, it doesn’t mean that you are alone that you are necessarily going to have the worst day of your life!!! We don’t care about the others, we’re better off alone! Or maybe not but what I mean is you don’t need someone to have a great time!! Now I’m going to give you some incredible ideas for having a good time in solo mode (or with a friend)
°I know you don’t need an occasion to give yourself gifts but Valentine’s Day can be an excuse to buy things that are either expensive or useless, the goal is just to have a good time at the mall . Otherwise, still in the same theme, it can be an excuse for a shopping day with a friend!!!
°Take the opportunity to start, resume or deepen your skin care: start with a relaxing bath or a hot shower then make a hair and face mask and leave it to act while you do a body scrub 😉
°If you like painting, dancing, singing, reading, writing… Spend your day doing it, if it’s something you love and the 14th is the day of love then don’t hesitate! !
°Who said that super delicious dinners with candles and dishes that take us back to paradise in every bite we take are only reserved for lovers????? I say do it yourself or force your parents to cook you an incredible dish or take you to a good restaurant!!!

I hope you like these ideas!!! (Otherwise watching anime all day is also a good idea…) See you next time!!! 🙂

Jack in the Green

Jack in the Green is a festive English tradition that takes place on May Day. During this celebration, a person or a group of people dress up in greenery, leaves, and branches to symbolize the arrival of summer. The custom originated in the 16th century and is linked to Morris dancing and other folk activities. Jack in the Green represents the vitality of nature and the transition to warmer weather. This colorful and joyous event is still observed in certain regions of England, bringing communities together to welcome the season of growth and renewal. There are some photos of Jack in Green !

Martin Luther King, Jr., Day

Martin Luther King Jr was a leader of the American civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s. He was also a very strong and famous person who fought for justice and to end racial discriminations. He participated in a lot of important events like demonstrations such as The March on Washington, when he delivered his famous speech  » I have a dream » that has marked lots of people.

Martin Luther King Jr Day is a public holiday dedicated to the achievement of Martin Luther King Jr. It is celebrated on the third Monday of January since 1968 with marches and parades and with speeches by civil rights and political leaders.

This day is very important in United States because he has inspired a lot of people thanks to his non violent methods. Moreover, it’s a way to commemorate and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s accomplishments. After, it allows to reflect on progress made in the struggle for civil rights. It’s a moment to raise awareness among people about the injustice of discrimination and encourage people to fight against it.

Finally, this day has become a symbol of unity and diversity in the United States. It is celebrated by people of different beliefs and origins. It reminds the importance of working together to build a more just and inclusive society.

Valentine’s Day

Every year on February 14, couples from all over the world prove their love through gift exchanges and little touches.
Romantic cards to fill with a romantic message, heart-shaped chocolates, bouquets of red roses…: so many symbols that we all know, and that are sure to resurface every year in our stores and on our screens as we approach this iconic Valentine’s Day.
The origins of this celebration are however more mysterious.
The oldest celebration of Valentine’s day dates back from an annual pagan celebration known as Lupercalia, or the Lupercales. This festival, held on February 15, was intended during ancient Rome to celebrate fertility. The men undressed, sacrificed a sheep or a dog, and covered themselves with the skin of the animal sacrificed in order to increase, they thought, their fertility before meeting young girls.
It was at the end of the 5th century that Pope Gelase I put an end to the famous Lupercales. Shortly afterwards, the Catholic Church made 14 February a feast day to pay homage to the martyr Valentine.
Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, this holiday stems primarily from our ability to love, an ability that has connected humans for many centuries. Although it no longer consists in making us wear the skins of sacrificed animals as in the time of the Roman Empire, the festival still exists, and everyone likes to please the people who are dear to them.

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