International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Arrr matey, you know, every year, on September 19, people all over the world celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day. But where did this day come from ?
Britain, especially the southwest coast, has a long history of piracy, but it was two Americans named John Baur and Mark Summers who started the tradition in 1995 as an insider joke. It has become more popular since then.
Unfortunately, it’s already happened this year but don’t worry matey, we’ll celebrate it next year.
Arrg, I don’t have a lot of information about it, I’m losing my memory a bit so I’m going to teach you some sentences in pirate language:
-Abandon Ship: An order to leave the vessel immediately, usually in the face of some imminent danger
-Bounty (like the chocolate): The reward for capturing a criminal
-Carouser: A reckless person who drinks too much


The international day of french language is celebrated on March 20th every year and it was created by the United Nations.
Its purpose was to diversify and share languages all around the world.
Languages have significant roles, it is useful to talk and share emotions between people of a same country, or it can also make relations between people.
The United Nations created this international day to remember that multilingualism is important and it serves to preserve an international share and relation, to make a cultural heritage and maybe to show french powerness by making it important in the United Nations.
Indeed, this day is celebrated with cultural events as concerts, exhibitions and also debates to tell about french culture and its history.

The day to fight harassment

The week against bullying is annually held from November 15th to 19th since 2004 in the United Kingdom, thanks to the Anti-Bullying Alliance, which brings together around 140 member organisations. This year’s theme was “One Kind World”, a caring world. It’s a big event in the UK, with several thousand schools taking part. The best way to fight harassment is through awareness, promoting values of respect and tolerance. Parents and teachers play an active role in preventing bullying. This week also aims to help people know how to react if they witness a case of harassment, or simply how to behave in front of harassers.

In France, the national day against bullying takes place on November 9th. Established in 2015, this day is an opportunity for school communities and their various partners to organize various events in schools, colleges and high schools or more widely at the local level: conferences, awareness sessions, exhibitions, role-playing, cooperative workshops. This day of mobilization is one of the highlights of the anti-bullying program at school.

Thanks for reading ! ❤️


Donut Day

National Donut Day is celebrated, in the United States and in some other countries, on the first Friday of June each year, after succeeding the doughnut event created by the Salvation Army in Chicago in 1938 to honor those of their members who served doughnut to soldiers during the World War I .
Donut Day, also called Faschnaut Day in the Pennsylvania, is a Dutch tradition of making faschnaut on Shrove Tuesday.
It was Hanson Gregory who invented the ring-shaped doughnut in 1847 aboard a lime-trading ship when he was 16 year old.
Canadians eat the highest quantity of doughnuts per capita, compared to all countries in the world.

Thank you for reading
See you !


🥗World Vegan Day !!

Did you know there is a world vegan day ?

World Vegan day originated in England in 1994, when vegan animals rights activist Louise Wallis was looking for a suitable setting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vegan Society, her aim wasn’t only to emphasise the continued existence of a vegan assocation but also to draw attention to the fact that the word  » vegan » had found its way into the English language.

Wallis set November 1st as the date, as it falls exactly between October 31st which is Halloween ans the mexican Day of the Dead, which falls on November 2nd. Since November 1st 1994, World Vegan Day as thus provided a welcome occasion for vegans in all parts of the world to celebrate and further promote veganism with all its positive aspects.

Happy Vegan Day🌱 !!! (a bit late…)

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