Shanghai: an amazing city!

Shanghai, a vibrant Chinese city, mixes tradition and modernity. Buildings cover the horizon, and the Bund’s historic charm with the Pudong’s futuristic architecture makes the city magical. The Nanjing road is full of shopping centers while the YU Garden shows a stereotyped China. An clean and efficient subway makes the visits of the neighborhood like Tianzzifang or Xintiandi easier and better. Some traditional delights like the xiaolongbao also characterizes the city. To sum up, the city with 26 million of inhabitants mixes the vibrant history with the lots of big innovations. All these different experiences makes Shanghai one of the most beautiful cities of the world.

France and its beauties

France catches all their tourists by all the iconic monuments like the Eiffel Tower and the beauty of its art like the Louvre. Renowned for its delicious cuisine and all her unusual landscapes, from the « romantic » Paris to the charm of the countryside, for its spectacular history, for the strength of their blue, white, red flag in sport and so on. France has captivated the world for hundreds years and will continue to do so forever.

Social media

Social medias, always present in our daily lives, have completly changed the way we exchange. From Faceboook to Instagram, these applications enable the sharing of some good moments, to communicate with friends or family, stay connected with the world thanks to all the information which are published. However, the social media enter in our private life and can be dangerous for some. They should be used with caution. Apart from that, the social medias have changed the world and created a virtual WEB that influences our reality.

NEW YEAR !!!!!

Christmas is over you were able to receive the gifts you wanted, I hope! But let’s talk seriously, the new year is passed, you must have eaten well (especially with christmas we all gained weight during these holidays) we had a lot of fun, yes. But now a new year begins with new resolutions. Maybe you still haven’t written anything so let’s do this together!

First, start writing a list with all the things you’re proud of. For example, I’m proud to be self confidence, I’m proud of being cheerful all year long, you know something like that.
Secondly, stop thinking about the bad memories of the past year and let go of your nostalgia by thinking about the best memories of the year 2023. Personally, I know that I was often sad last year but I have more good memories than bad ones, and the one I remember the most are birthdays or this shopping day I did with 7 other friends.
Then, stop thinking about what you hate most about yourself or make it a strength you’re proud of and write down all the positive things about yourself at the third person singular as if you were someone else and tell everything you like about that person. For example, I’m sensitive and I used to hate being sensitive but now I’m proud of it because I understand people more easily and I can help them, or as another example what I like about this person is his smile.
Now, it’s time for new resolutions! Write down all the things you would like to do, don’t be afraid, you have twelve months to do them. If you want to get into sport, do it. If you want to paint, do it. If you want to take care of your body, do it. If you want to eat chocolate, do it. Anyway the point is that if you want it, you’ll get it !


Hello hello, we all know that Christmas is over but the magic is still around!
I wonder if you too have been able to observe the wonderful Christmas atmosphere in the cities thanks to the Christmas tree outside, the lights illuminating the city at night and the shopping malls decorated especially for this occasion. Everything makes me dream (even if I don’t believe in Santa Claus)!
In addition, social networks filled with recipes, gift ideas, decorations and several outfits in red and green tones are a plus to this cheerful atmosphere.
Several activities took place in this theme such as Christmas markets where you could make ice sculptures, buy jewelry that was not worth their price, drink hot chocolate or simply as opportunities to go out with friends.
Then, why was it great to celebrate Christmas? Because the houses were decorated, that’s one point. For the biggest fans, you could see outdoor decorations with Santa Claus, lights and a mailbox. But I think that the interiors of the houses have all been nicely decorated with a beautiful tree, some have had to add more than a tree, like pillow cushion for their sofas, table decorations, lamps .
Have you received the gifts of your dreams? I do!!! I’ve wanted it for a long time, and now I’m satisfied. I sincerely hope you got what you wanted.
Last question before we leave you, who did you celebrate Christmas with? With your family or friends? Maybe even with your pets!!

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