International Coffee Day

International Coffee Day is a real event! It is celebrated on October 1, mainly by countries belonging to the Commonwealth (USA, Canada, UK, Australia), and focuses on promoting organic coffee and supporting the world’s coffee producers!

The first official date was October 3rd 2015, as decided by the ICO (International Coffee Organization), and was introduced in Milan. Unfortunately, the exact origin of International Coffee Day is unknown.

Many countries have a national coffee day, often more ancient, on various dates. For exemple in Ireland, it’s celebrated on January 25.

Via social networks, many companies offer special deals and distribute coupons to their followers. On this day, many companies offer free or reduced-price cups of coffee. Greeting card companies sell International Coffee Day greeting cards and free e-cards. However, in March 2014, the Member of the ICO agreed to designate October 1 as International Coffee Day, with the intention of uniting coffee lovers around the world in a single day of celebration.

The first Boeing 787 Dreamliner to land in Antarctica !

There are short runways, bumpy runways and runways known to be wiped out by crosswinds, but here’s a new one that may worry nervous pilots: an ice runway.

On Wednesday 15th November, Norse Atlantic Airways landed a Boeing 787 Dreamliner in rather unusual conditions. The destination: Antarctica. The runway: a 3,000-metre-long, 60-metre-wide « blue ice runway » made of snow and ice.

The Dreamliner landed at Troll airfield shortly after 2am in full sunshine, as it is currently summer in the southern hemisphere. This is the first time that a Dreamliner – a widebody aircraft capable of carrying up 330 passengers, according to the model – has arrived on the sixth continent.

But before you try to reserve your own flight to Troll, you should know that flight N0787 was not a regular passenger flight. Among the 45 passengers on board were scientists from the Norwegian Polar Institute, which had contracted the flight to take them and 12 tons of equipment to the Troll research station in Queen Maud Land.

It was not a quick trip across the ocean, either. The plane left Oslo on November 13, stopping in Cape Town before heading even further south on Wednesday evening to make its record-breaking landing.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Arrr matey, you know, every year, on September 19, people all over the world celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day. But where did this day come from ?
Britain, especially the southwest coast, has a long history of piracy, but it was two Americans named John Baur and Mark Summers who started the tradition in 1995 as an insider joke. It has become more popular since then.
Unfortunately, it’s already happened this year but don’t worry matey, we’ll celebrate it next year.
Arrg, I don’t have a lot of information about it, I’m losing my memory a bit so I’m going to teach you some sentences in pirate language:
-Abandon Ship: An order to leave the vessel immediately, usually in the face of some imminent danger
-Bounty (like the chocolate): The reward for capturing a criminal
-Carouser: A reckless person who drinks too much


The international day of french language is celebrated on March 20th every year and it was created by the United Nations.
Its purpose was to diversify and share languages all around the world.
Languages have significant roles, it is useful to talk and share emotions between people of a same country, or it can also make relations between people.
The United Nations created this international day to remember that multilingualism is important and it serves to preserve an international share and relation, to make a cultural heritage and maybe to show french powerness by making it important in the United Nations.
Indeed, this day is celebrated with cultural events as concerts, exhibitions and also debates to tell about french culture and its history.

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