November 15th, a surprising day!

November 15th is the perfect day to let writers express themselves, but not just any writers, those who are in prison! Indeed, it is the International Day of Writers in Prison, which was initiated by the International Committee of PEN with the specific aim of « bringing together writers from all countries who are committed to the values of peace, tolerance and freedom without which creation becomes impossible ».

November 11th

On the 11th of november, people around the world come together to remember and honor the Armistice Day that marks the end of the first world war and it is also the day when France and its allies won against the German and its allies .

Armistice Day is a time for nations across the globe to pay tribute to the soldiers who bravely fought and made sacrifices during the war. It is a day to remember the millions of lives lost, both military and civilian, and to honor those who selflessly served their countries. On this day, ceremonies and events are held in various countries to honor the fallen soldiers.

Overall, Armistice Day is a day of remembrance, reflection, and gratitude. It is a time to honor those who fought, acknowledged the horrors of war, and strove for a peaceful future.


My first and my last halloween

I celebrated Halloween only once in my entire life. It was with my cousins when I was seven years old. I experienced a Halloween party for the first time, and I got so many sweets! At the end of the evening, I had 2.3 kilos of sweets and for me it was amazing to have that amount. During the « trick or treat », we knocked on doors, we said « trick or treat  » and one woman told us that she didn’t celebrate halloween because she didn’t think that halloween was a great celebration and after this, I know that the only one guy’s who did not celebrate halloween.

Last year, I wanted to try to celebrate Halloween for a second time but the weather was different. When I asked my friend to go, I pulled the door and I felt some water on my arms, it was rainy, I was completely wet, so I returned in my house and I watched a movie with my family. So I celebrated Halloween only once.

Nazaré, a portugese city!

If you’re a surf fan, I’m sure that this article is for you.

Nazaré is a city which is located in Portugal, which is very popular for its large and spectacular waves. It’s in this city that the majority of records for the largest waves ever surfed in the world have been recorded!

Here is the top 1:

-Sebastian Steudtner, October 29 2020, Praia do Norte, Nazaré with a waves of 86 feet (26.21 meters!)

Can you just imagine a thing like that?

Nazaré is a very beautiful place and it’s a must-visit city. I hope you will visit it !

Veteran’s Day

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was the first to proclaim an Armistice Day, on November 11, 1919. In 1920, France and the United Kingdom organized a ceremony dedicated to the unknown soldiers who died during WW1.

The U.S. Congress adopted a similar proposal seven years later, on June 4, 1926, requesting that the President (Calvin Coolidge) issue a proclamation to mark November 11 with appropriate ceremonies. Act (52 Stat;. 351 5 U.S. Code Sec., 87a). The text was approved on May 13, 1938, making November 11 a holiday.

In 1953, a Kansas shoe store owner named Alfred King came up with the idea of extending Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans, not just those who served in WWI. He began a campaign to make Armistice Day about all veterans. With the help of Edward Rees, a bill was proposed in Congress. President Dwight Eisenhower signed the amendment on May 26, 1954.

Congress amended the law on June 1, 1954, replacing « Armistice Day » by « Veterans Day ».

The 11 of November in the US, like in France, is a commemorative day in honor of the veterans of the WW1.

Here is Joseph Ambrose, 86 at the time of the photo, a WWI veteran waiting for the parade to pass in 1982. He holds the flag that covered the coffin of his son, killed in the Korean War.

So, this day gives moments to think of the brave French, British or American soldiers who fought for the liberty and the justice.

Thank you for reading.

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