Causey Farm

Causey Farm

It is a farm located in Girley, Fordstown, Co. Meath, C15 P83R, Ireland, where we made bread, where we visited there are dogs, puppies, llamas, camels, rabbits, goats, sheep, chickens, pigs (we gave them bread) and ducks.
Then, we painted on walls and we made bubbles.
Then, we played music with instruments and we danced, we played a shooting game where you had to put boots in hoops.
Finally, we jumped in the mud.
It was really amazing.

Thank you very much this trip !!!


Epic museum

We visited this museum the second day. We learnt a lot of things about the Potato famine and the emigration. With a passport, we explored all the pieces, stamping in each room. There were quizzes, videos, lights, sounds and interactive things and always in beautiful and realistic settings. This is really an incredible museum!

Eva P & Eva V

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day 

Red Nose Day Fundraising Event to Air on NBC on May 21

What is the Red Nose Day ? 

The Red Nose Day is a fundraising campaign that raises money for poors. The goal of Red Nose Day is to use comedy, fun and the power of laughter to help.

When is celebrated ?
Red Nose Day is celebrated the 19 March since 1998. This year it is the 24th years since this days was created.

Where is celebrated ?

Red Nose Day is celebrated in United Kingdom and in United States of America.

How is celebrated ?
To help the poor the artist and comedian make people laugh. Then,All of the donates are given at the associations. The money collected is separated in two part one parts for united states’ project and the other parts for the most poor in the world. If you want to support the cause you can just watch the TV or for
exemple selling cupcakes, limonade…. Actually for the war in Ukraine if you donate you can help ukrainian.

The Red Nose Day Special - NBC Special

Specific vocabulary : 

a goal = un objectif

money = l’argent

fundraising campaign = campagne de financement

laughter = rire

by C B and R E

Saint George’s day

Drapeau Vecteur Style Illustration De St George Jour PNG , Illustration, Vecteur, Saint George Day PNG et vecteur pour téléchargement gratuit

Have you ever heard of Saint George’s day?

What is special about April 23rd? Not many people in France know it, but April 23rd is Saint George’s day, which is celebrated in many countries like Ireland, Scotland and England, and even non-English speaking countries like Portugal, Greece and Ethiopia. It commemorates St. George, the patron saint of England, who is a central figure in England’s history. According to the legend, St George was a knight who saved a princess and slew an evil dragon that was plaguing a local town.

Happy St George Day | Pom de Pin in Wonderland

St George’s Day takes place each year on the 23rd April to mark the death of Saint George, who died as a martyr. St. George’s Day celebrations tend to be filled with feasts, dancing and strong sense of national pride. If you want to celebrate Saint George’s day, you might dress like a knight and come on a horse with your sword and your shield. Or if you don’t have a horse, you can simply wear a white tee-shirt or hold a white flag with the red cross of the knights painted on it!

Samedi 23 avril, St George's day, fête nationale |

by M and L

Europe Day

Europe Day 2017 celebration, NUIG | About us | European Parliament ...

What is Europe Day ?

Europe Day is a day where the european celebrate, since 1986, the famous speech of Robert Schuman.

Who is Robert Schuman?

Robert Schuman is statesman, he was a secretary, after a Minister and the president of the Council of Ministers. He is one of the founding father of the europe.

What did he said during this speech?

In this speech, Robert Schuman talked about a trade of coal and iron between France and Germany. Robert Schumann also wanted to avoid another war and keep the peace between the two country after the 2 World Wars.

This speech allowed the beginning of the creation of Europe.

Where is it celebrated?

Europe Day is celebrated everywhere in Europe.

Contes pour enfants a quoi sert l'union européenne? à lire -

How is it celebrated?

During Europe Day, some people singing the european anthem: the Ode to Joy, created by Beethoven a  German composer.

Beethoven 5 – Hull Music Service

Concert are organized by the MED ( Music Europe Day ) for united the europeans with music.

If you want to listen the Ode to Joy during a concert click on the link: 

At Strasbourg in France a giant european flag is spead out on the ground and at Paris there is a european flag in the Arch of Triumph.

Big european flag at Strasbourg (France) - Europe Day 2009.jpgLe drapeau de l'Union européenne est de retour sous l'arc de Triomphe (MàJ) - Fdesouche

In German, Europe Day is a bank holiday. Germany is one of the only countries where europe day is a public holiday.

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