A Polish brexit ?

Did you hear about a « Polexit » ? A Polish Brexit ? Why do the Poland talk about that ?

– The Poland is part of the European Union since 2004. But, a few weeks ago, Poland spoke about a « Polexit ». It’s like the Brexit (brexit = the leaving of the UK) but for Poland. Recently, the Polish Governement assured they wanted the Poland to stay in the European Union.  

La presse de droite polonaise brise le tabou du « Polexit

A lot of Polish People went to protest in the streets because they want to stay in the European Union.

  • But, how did they get the idea ?

Firstly, the Polish government has declared that the « rules » of the European Union isn’t compatible with the Poland Constitution. (They think the European rules are superior that the Polish rules and they disagree with that.)

Poland - Wikiquote

Secondly, on the side of the European Union, they don’t agree one thing in Poland : do not let enter LGBTQ+ in a shop is authorized.

To finish, for the moment, Poland will stay in the European Union.

Wait and see!

By J C

What’s in your suitcase?

Take a picture of your suitcase full of many things you take and say what are the most important things you take when you go on holidays.

Go on this Padlet to publish it ;-)!

Fait avec Padlet


Travelling tips!

On this Padlet, write some travelling tips and give advice to people who have never travelled in their life!

You can also comment the publications of the others!

Fait avec Padlet



9/11 attacks – 20 years later, we will never forget!

Before the trajedy.

On September 11th 2001,   It was a sunny day in New York City.  An ordinary day which began.  People who worked went to their job, the children went to school and the tourists visited every coner of New York City.


The Twin Towers before the tragedy


During the trajedy.

  •  8:46 am: a hijacked plane (AA11) crached into the North Tower.
  •  9:03 am: an other hijacked plane crashed into the South Tower.
  • 9:30 am:  the president George W. Bush informed the Americans on TV.
  • 9:37 am: the plane AA77 hit the Pentagon.
  • 9:59 am: The South Tower collapsed.
  • 10:03 am: UA93 didn’t reach its target.
  • 10:38 am: The North Tower collapsed.


When the 2 planes crashed into the Twin Towers.


After the trajedy.

For about 8 months hundreds of people cleaned  the city.

Now, to commemorate this trajedy, there are:  two fountains,  another tower called:  » One World Trade Center  » or « Freedom Tower » and a memorial called: « 9/11 Memorial« .

To see the Memorial in virtual click on this link:


For the 20 years The Americans said all the names of victims.





Ground Zero


The One World Trade Center



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