In California it’s illegal to ride a bike in a swimming pool.

Initially introduced to prevent accidents and property damage, this law aimed to dissuade jokers from cycling in inappropriate places, such as public swimming pools. Although the probability of seeing a cyclist trying this acrobatics is slim, the law remains in force, mainly as a precautionary measure.

Thanks for reading !


Incredible thing : Lucky Diamond Rich

Gregory Paul McLaren is the most tattooed man in the world. He comes from New Zealand. He was born in 1971 and is better known as Lucky Diamond Rich. Likewise, he is tattooed from head to foot and has held this record since 2006. Nothing escapes; he even tattooed his ears and the inside of his mouth. 100% of his body is tattooed ! He is passionate about circus and street art since he is 12 years old.

To me, it’s totally crazy because it’s so dangerous and painful. I’m wondering how many hours he has spent seated on a chair and the price of all of this ! I think that this man is extremely courageous, but a little bit crazy. One thing is for sure, we will not forget him !

May public holidays 🌸

May public holidays: opportunities to recharge your batteries! 🌞

The month of May has arrived, and with it, several public holidays that allow us to recharge our batteries and relax. 🌈 In this article, we will introduce you to the May public holidays and the activities you can do on them.

The first public holiday in May is Easter Monday, which falls on the first Monday of the month. 🌸 This Christian holiday celebrates the resurrection of Christ and is an opportunity for Christians to gather with family and friends. 🎉 You can spend this day visiting museums, taking family walks, or preparing a traditional lunch.

The second May holiday is May 1, also known as Labor Day. 🌟 This international holiday celebrates workers and their contribution to society. 🎉 You can spend this day relaxing with your colleagues, doing outdoor activities, or visiting exhibitions about labor and unions.

Finally, the third May holiday is May 8, which celebrates Victory in Europe, also known as Victory Day. 🎉 This holiday commemorates the end of the Second World War and is an opportunity for Europeans to come together and celebrate peace. 🌈 You can spend this day visiting museums, taking family walks, or preparing a traditional lunch.

In summary, the May bank holidays are opportunities to recharge and relax. 🌞 You can spend these days visiting museums, taking family walks, preparing traditional lunches or celebrating workers and peace. 🎉

I hope you enjoyed this article! 😊

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In the workings of our modern society, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is silently transforming our daily lives. This technology, based on machine learning, allows machines to learn patterns from data and make autonomous decisions.

Already omnipresent, AI is found in our search engines, our social networks, and even our home devices. It is also revolutionizing entire sectors such as healthcare, finance and manufacturing, by offering innovative solutions to complex problems.

However, behind its advantages lie challenges. Issues of data privacy and algorithmic bias are leading to growing concerns about the ethics of its use.

Despite these challenges, AI represents an unprecedented opportunity for innovation and progress. By adopting an ethical and thoughtful approach, we can harness its full potential to shape a better future for all.

Kendji Girac shot wounded

Kendji Girac is a singer and he was born the 3rd July 1996. He was very famous in 2014. But in the morning of the 22 April 2024, he was found with a bullet in his lung. So? he was transported at the hopital of Bordeaux.

According to the police investigation Kendji Girac says that he shot himself so that his wife wouldn’t leave him. But this version is a rumour, as there are several versions in circulation.

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