Jack in the Green

Jack in the Green is a festive English tradition that takes place on May Day. During this celebration, a person or a group of people dress up in greenery, leaves, and branches to symbolize the arrival of summer. The custom originated in the 16th century and is linked to Morris dancing and other folk activities. Jack in the Green represents the vitality of nature and the transition to warmer weather. This colorful and joyous event is still observed in certain regions of England, bringing communities together to welcome the season of growth and renewal. There are some photos of Jack in Green !


The Real Madrid football club, founded in 1902, is globally renowned for its impressive records, particularly in the UEFA champions league. Madrid was the club of all the biggest football players like CR7, Zinedine Aidane, Alfredo Di Stéfano (the only one to have won the Super Ballon d’Or). Real Madrid continues to inspire fans worldwide with its characters, its players and its on-field exellence. But there is also those who make the reputation of Madrid like the Bernabéu renamed Casa Blanca or his full white jersey. Real Madrid has scared Europe since its creation.


Brazil, the largest country in South America, is known for its diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history. With over 200 million people, Brazil boasts a mix of African, European, and Asian people, reflected in its music, dance, and cuisine.

Colonized by the Portuguese in the 16th century, Brazil gained independence in 1822. Despite periods of political instability, Brazil has emerged as a global player with a growing economy and thriving democracy.

Challenges such as poverty and inequality persist, but Brazil’s resilience and cultural vibrancy continue to captivate the world.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, a global icon in the fight for justice and equality, left an incredible mark on history through his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Born in 1918, Mandela spent 27 years in prison for his opposition to the racist regime, yet remained a symbol of resilience and hope. Released in 1990, he led his country towards reconciliation and was elected as South Africa’s first black president in 1994. His legacy of tolerance and peace continues to inspire millions worldwide.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Day

Martin Luther King Jr was a leader of the American civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s. He was also a very strong and famous person who fought for justice and to end racial discriminations. He participated in a lot of important events like demonstrations such as The March on Washington, when he delivered his famous speech  » I have a dream » that has marked lots of people.

Martin Luther King Jr Day is a public holiday dedicated to the achievement of Martin Luther King Jr. It is celebrated on the third Monday of January since 1968 with marches and parades and with speeches by civil rights and political leaders.

This day is very important in United States because he has inspired a lot of people thanks to his non violent methods. Moreover, it’s a way to commemorate and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s accomplishments. After, it allows to reflect on progress made in the struggle for civil rights. It’s a moment to raise awareness among people about the injustice of discrimination and encourage people to fight against it.

Finally, this day has become a symbol of unity and diversity in the United States. It is celebrated by people of different beliefs and origins. It reminds the importance of working together to build a more just and inclusive society.

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