
This famous brand was created in 2000 by Abercrombie and Fitch. The first shop opened the same year in Colombus in Ohio.

Hollister logo cover

Abercrombie and Fitch made up a false history for this new brand.

This history tells that the brand was created by JM Hollister, an american traveler who founded the brand in 1922, settling on the Californian coast.

This history is the storytelling of the brand !

J and L


Pringels (Montgomery, Ohio)

Pringles was established in 1967 by Alexandre Liepa. Pringles are crips with several flavors such as onions, paprika or even barbecue. But also very special flavors such as shrimp cream, dill pickle or spaghetti bolognese. Initially the chips were called Pringle’s before adopting the current name.

Cette nouveaut de la marque Pringles ne plaît pas du tout aux amateurs des fameuses chips ondules




Chiffres Google : toutes les statistiques à connaître en 2021

Google is a search engine that was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin on september 4th,1998.

Google : les fondateurs Larry Page et Sergey Brin quittent la direction d'Alphabet

It was created in California at Menlo Park.

Google’s slogan is « do the right thing » since 2015, before it was « don’t be evil ».

Googleplex is the main agency of google, it is located in California.

Google offers different service like:


-Google Earth

-Google Maps

-Google play …

On google, there are 80,000 searches per second or 6.9 billion per day.

-L and A-

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