Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day 

Red Nose Day Fundraising Event to Air on NBC on May 21

What is the Red Nose Day ? 

The Red Nose Day is a fundraising campaign that raises money for poors. The goal of Red Nose Day is to use comedy, fun and the power of laughter to help.

When is celebrated ?
Red Nose Day is celebrated the 19 March since 1998. This year it is the 24th years since this days was created.

Where is celebrated ?

Red Nose Day is celebrated in United Kingdom and in United States of America.

How is celebrated ?
To help the poor the artist and comedian make people laugh. Then,All of the donates are given at the associations. The money collected is separated in two part one parts for united states’ project and the other parts for the most poor in the world. If you want to support the cause you can just watch the TV or for
exemple selling cupcakes, limonade…. Actually for the war in Ukraine if you donate you can help ukrainian.

The Red Nose Day Special - NBC Special

Specific vocabulary : 

a goal = un objectif

money = l’argent

fundraising campaign = campagne de financement

laughter = rire

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