Jeanie Johnston

We visited the Jeanie Johnston ship the second day of our trip at Dublin, after the Epic museum. This ship is a replica of the original. The original Jeanie Johnston carried 2500 Irish emigrants on 16 transatlantic trips to North America throughout the Famine years. We learnt a lot about the potato famine ( one of the darkest periods of Irland’s history). Almost 1/4 of Irland’s population either died or emigrated during this period. The guide was passioned by this subject when he told us about this story. It was so amazing and interesting!!!

by JG

What’s in your suitcase?

Take a picture of your suitcase full of many things you take and say what are the most important things you take when you go on holidays.

Go on this Padlet to publish it ;-)!

Fait avec Padlet


Travelling tips!

On this Padlet, write some travelling tips and give advice to people who have never travelled in their life!

You can also comment the publications of the others!

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