Quiz, which artist are you?

Quiz, which artist are you?

Il est temps de passer au quiz. Vous répondrez aux questions posées en choisissant une réponse parmi les trois proposées:

Il n’y a pas de bonne réponse. Toutes sont acceptables. Ne pas oublier de noter vos réponses sur un bout de papier pour savoir le nombre de lettre que vous avez en majorité. Elles servent à définir votre personnalité afin de savoir quel type d’artiste vous êtes.

Vous découvrirez ainsi si vous êtes un artiste :

  • romantique
  • Pop art
  • Surréaliste

Cliquez sur les onglets suivants et répondez aux 6 questions avant de faire votre bilan.

Read each question carefully. You can try once.

Write the letter that suits you.

Also write your statements on a piece of paper to know the number of letters you have in majority. This will let you know which artist are you?

1. According to youwhat is the goal of art?  
A – Express how the artist feels.
B – Describe what is around you.
C – Reveal hidden truths.

2. If you could paintwhat type of painting would you make?  
A – The portrait of someone you admire.
B – An object that you would use differently.
C – A scene from a dream.

3. What are you interested in most?  
A – Emotions
B – Society and living together
C – Concepts

4. What upsets you?  
A – People without any ethic nor honor.
B – Snobs or elitist people.
C – People who tell you what to do.

5. What inspires you?  
A – Bucolic and urban landscapes.
B – Everything you see at the cinema, on television or in music.
C – Unexpected ideas.

6. Which quotation is the best for you?  
A – How easy it is to believe the people we do not like do bad things.
B – When you think about it, malls are like museums.
C – Dear imagination, what I like in you is that you do not forgive.

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