Princess Charlotte and General Elections

England has been quite busy during our holidays!

First, on May 2nd The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her second child, a little girl. Her name was revealed 2 days later: Charlotte Elizabeth Diane.

And this birth has changed the line of succession. Who will be king after Elizabeth?

And on Thursday 7th, (yes, English people don’t vote on Sundays!), David Cameron was reelected as Prime Minister. If you want to read more about the results, it’s here:

And if you want to understand these elections, read this article:

« Boys playing Leapfrog »

Norman Rockwell

«?Boys playing Leapfrog?»


This is a painting by Norman Rockwell in 1919 intituled «?Boys Playing Leapfrog?». We can see two boys and one dog. I think they are happy because one of the boy is jumping over the other boy. The dog is running and he is open his mouth, with his thongue outside. So we can think he is happy too.

This two guys, are enjoy with a little thing. And we mustn’t have a lot and a lot toys.

So, for me, Norman Rockwell want say, « If, you haven’t a lot toys, you can nevertheless enjoy your life with nothing ».

For me, the painting is a message for everybody to show the reality, and show to every children, we need not 36 000 toys, and play with other child outside is very more funny than play in his/her bedroom lonely.


Chloé Wastiaux

Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell

This painting is the first of the four freedoms paintings by Norman Rockwell that were inspired by Unites States’ president in the State of the Union Address, known as Four Freedoms, he delivered on January 6, 1941.

Freedom of Speech  was published in the February 20, 1943 Issue of The Saturday Evening Post with a matching essay by Booth Tarkington as part of the Four Freedoms series.

The scene takes place during a local town meeting. There is a man who is standing and talk in the middle. He wear a dirty coat, his hands are dirty and his face too, he looks young, whereas the others men are very clean and wear white shirts, jackets and ties and look older than the other man. They are look at the first man who is speaking.

The man who is in the middle is Jim Edgerton. He’s the only dissident of the new plans by the towns councilors. Edgerton is depicted in a way that resembles Abraham Lincoln.