
Before the holidays, we met our new assistant. Her name is Danielle ans she is 23 years old.

She lived in Canada in Vancouver and she lives now in Lille.

Danielle likes French people because she says they are kind and she  speaks a little  French. Between Canada and France there are many  differences. For example: the food, CDs, …   She hasn’t got pets but she would like a dog. She has a big brother whose name is Nicolas. Danielle has got a computer, and her favorite color is the turquoise blue. She likes cheese, hamburgers, MVDM, …. She was vegetarian but she isn’t anymore.

Plans to prevent violence

The first final task of the year was to create plans to prevent violence. The students did well and have very good ideas! here are some examples of their work:




And here are links to powerpoints they made:

