Here they are!

Here they are, the new pupils of the euro section! 29 students from 4A and AB, all willing to improve their English…..and get lessons in crime!

They look nice and serious, don’t they?




But…. don’t trust them! Criminals are hidden deep inside!


Back to school….soon!

Hello everyone,

we have already reached mid-August and in two weeks it will be time to go back to school! Aren’t you glad? 😀

This year I will be in charge of the euro 4 group and we will carry on a year project dealing with…crime! Thrilling, isn’t it?

I can’t wait to meet my new students and introduce them to you.

By then, enjoy the enf of the holidays!

Goodbye Pujasree!

The contract of our Indian assistant unfortunately came to an end right before the holidays…what a pity! The pupils really liked her and she always proposed nice activities! We wanted to make her a little surprise for the last class and the euro students offered her some presents: a teddy bear (called Maxence), a white scarf, and a mug with a picture of the class on it. Pujasree was really touched by this attention!



We made some pictures and hope that we will have the opportunity to see her again… either in Lille or in Calcutta!


Goodbye Pujasree! We’ll miss you!!!

St George’s Day

On April 23rd, English people celebrate St George’s day with parades, dances and other activities.

Marie and Aline told the class a little more about this celebration



If you want to watch the parade that took place in Nottingham, it’s here:


Princess Charlotte and General Elections

England has been quite busy during our holidays!

First, on May 2nd The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her second child, a little girl. Her name was revealed 2 days later: Charlotte Elizabeth Diane.

And this birth has changed the line of succession. Who will be king after Elizabeth?

And on Thursday 7th, (yes, English people don’t vote on Sundays!), David Cameron was reelected as Prime Minister. If you want to read more about the results, it’s here:

And if you want to understand these elections, read this article: