Louis’ presentation

My name is Louis Marchand. I’m born the 20.04.2002 in Champigny sur Marne near Paris and I live with my parents and my two sisters : Lionel,41 years old, Hélène, 39 years old, Valentine, 11 years old and Adèle, 8 years old. I have a cat too who’s name is grisou (he’s grey!). My hobbies are swimming and riding bike with my father (I have a race bike). I want to become pilot of plane later. I’m lucky because I leave near an aerodrome and I’ll can pass my patent next year. I’m singing in a french boy’s choir (la maitrise des hauts de France) and I travel a lot with it. I was in south Canada and north USA this summer and I’ll go to Rome for the new year’s day. It’s amazing!

My presentation


My name is Agathe, I’m twelve years old and I live in Bondues. I’m a tall girl, I’ve got blond hair and brown eyes. I dance and I would also do gymnastics because I love it and I’m flexible. I have got a brother named Arthur, who is in CM2 and he’s ten years old. I also have got a goldfish and its name is Lola. At school my favorite materials are mathematics and physics science, so I think later to pass scientific graduate. My best friends are Marie, Anna and Lea :-*


My présentation


My first name is Thomas and my surname is Van Den Bergh.

I was born at Tourcoing.

In 5th june 2002.

I live in Wasquehal with my two parents.

I haven’t got brother and sister.

I love sport , I practises futsall , badminton and handball.

I like video games and gowing out with friend.

I have brown eyes and Brown hair.

At level size I am tall.

This is the end, bye .

Présentation Lili

Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Lili Ruelle and I am 4eA. I was born on 15/12/02 to Villeneuve-d’Ascq. I LOVE animals, the art and music, moreover, I play piano. On the other hand, I like less the history. This year, I am going to learn a new language: the Spaniard! I also joined the section Euro Englishman to perfect my Englishman! I have a brother who is called Alix and who is 6th, to the college of Comines. I live in Quesnoy-sur-Deûle, a very flowery and very attractive city where passes a river: the Deûle. I have a cat which is called Pimprenelle and who was 4 years old this year. My parents work everything them two in the same communication agency, my father is Web project manager, and my mother is a manager of studio. Later, I shall like making a work for taking care and working with dolphins as in water parks! Goodbye !

My profil

HELLO , everybody !

I present myself . My name is Eden , I live in Tourcoing  , I  have got 1 dog , I LOVE SPORT !!! AND MY PC !!! , I do strenght traning and me with my friends , We play video games .

I do lot of videos on Youtube , I like this ! My idols are : Schwarzenegger , Vandam ,TiboInshape , Stalone , Kaaris . My sport in club is Full-contact , and I love year 80 , Chucky ….

I hate school because I thik it do take too many life times #YOLO ! BYE !

presentation of Justin


I’m Justin Thooris.I am 12years.I have one sister she is 7 years.I live in Qesnoy sur Deule.I go to Maxence Van Der Meersch college from Mouveaux.I like ping-pong,badminton and basket. I don’t like to run and football.I like to read comic book for exemple Tintin and The litle Spirou and play the videogame.

I like animals but i haven’t got a pets.I would like a cat but i havn’t got because i am allergic.

I traveled in the Canada,england and Maroc.

I would like travel in the united kingdom.

Hanaa’s presentation

Hi guy ! My name is Hanaa I’m in 4B . I’m 13 years old and I live in Tourcoing. I practice swimming in a club. I love horses ! They’re so beautiful. I love english too, that’s why i’m in the « anglais euro ».I have got three sisters ; Ines she is 16 years, samah she is 12 years old and Malak she is 7 years old. My favorite color is blue. My mother’s name is Jamila and my father’s name is Lhadi. Last summer I was at Morroco so I can something write article about that.

My presentation

Hello everybody,

My name is Sorenza. I am in 4°B. I’m 12 years. I live in Mouvaux. I have got 2 brothers and 3 sisters and I have got 1 fish in my bedroom. My favorite color is yellow. I was born on the 2nd of december 2002. I love the English that’s why I’m euro.