presentation from Estel


My name is Estel, I’m in 4B. I’m 13 years old. I have one brother, he is 17 years old and his name is Paul. I live in Mouvaux, in France. I am going to junior high school in bike.

I practise swimmig at Marcq-en-Barœul and this years I practise also theatre ! I love listening music. I haven’t got pets but I want a dog.

I’m in the class « anglais euro » because I think English is an interesting langage !

Here they are!

Here they are, the new pupils of the euro section! 29 students from 4A and AB, all willing to improve their English…..and get lessons in crime!

They look nice and serious, don’t they?




But…. don’t trust them! Criminals are hidden deep inside!


Ines’ présentation

Hello everyone !

I’m Ines Ennaji and I’m 13 years old. I’m in 4B.

I was born in Casablanca in Morocco on the 29th of August 2002.

I have got one brother, Hicham , he is 16 years old.

I love english that’s why I’m happy to be in the euro class!

I love practicing modern dance! I do this on Wednesday evening. I love guitar too.

I love so much listening music and watching movies.

When I’m older I want to study medicine ( I want to be a cardiologist ).

My eyes are brown, my hair is chestnut brown.

I’m not short and I’m not tall,I’m average height.

Back to school….soon!

Hello everyone,

we have already reached mid-August and in two weeks it will be time to go back to school! Aren’t you glad? 😀

This year I will be in charge of the euro 4 group and we will carry on a year project dealing with…crime! Thrilling, isn’t it?

I can’t wait to meet my new students and introduce them to you.

By then, enjoy the enf of the holidays!

Final task : Freedom from fear

Freedom from fear

This document is an oil painting by Norman Rockwell called « Freedom from fear ».

It’s a painting which is painted in 1943. On this painting, we can see 2 childrens sleeping in a bed, with a woman just above them. A man with a newspaper in his hands who is standing is looking at the childrens. All of this scene takes place in a bedroom with blue wallpaper and a blue ground. On the ground, we can see a doll, and maybe just next to the doll, a black luggage which is open. In 1943, the world is in the middle of the second world war, and the parents are just looking to the childrens, who don’t know about the horror in the world. They are just sleeping in peace, and the parents perhaps don’t thinking about the war when they look their children, but actually, they are afraid.

Corentin Verhaeghe

A caricature inspired by Norman Rockwell- Enzo

This caricature, is inspired by the Norman Rockwell’s famous painting « The Runaway », denounces one more of police blunders, to the black community, in the United States. In E December 23rd, 2014, a white policeman, to fire on 12times, on a young black, who are not armed. The police gave a different version: the young person would have threatened both policemen, with a firearm, and it was thus of the self-defense « .

On this caricature, we see a black child, look innocent and afraid, without any weapon. Next to him, a policeman excessively armed, is looking threatening to the child. In front of them, the barman, seems collusive in the policeman.

These kinds of police blunders are frequent in the United States. Indeed, it is caused by rests of racial hatred. So, it’s not for nothing, that they chosed a Norman Rockwell’s painting, which has denounced, a lot of time, the segregation and the racism in its paintings.

Freedom from want – Marie

This document is an oil painting by Norman Rockwell called « Freedom from want », made in 1943. The painting shows a classical american family at Thanksgiving when a turkey is traditionnaly served during the meal. The guests are very well dressed and hair brushed. The dishes are made of porcelain and the glasses of crystal glass. There is a perfect harmony between the guests. The grandfather is represented as the head of the family. The grandfather and the grandmother standing in the triangle which is a sign of grandness. The turkey is the focal point of the table. The character who is looking toward the viewer seems to invite him to the meal. Today, this painting can be seen at Norman Rockwell museum, in Stockbridge, in Masachussets.



Chain of Gossip

Chain of Gossip

This document is a cover paint by Norman Rockwell and it is entitled « Chain of Gossip ». The document comes from the magazine « Saturday evening post » of the march 6, 1948. This painting shows the distribution of a gossip by our-self, by all people, so we can see a chain of people, of 15 persons represent two time. The chain start in the top left-hand corner and follow the writing direction.

We can easily imagine that the first apparition of the character is for listen and the second apparition is for talk about the gossip except for the first character because she says the gossips then at the end she has abused by the man.

At the start, a woman say to an other woman something that she shouldn’t repeat but she repeat this and from gossip to gossip this thing arrive to Norman (the 14th person) who turn around the first women who is shocked because maybe she didn’t wait at this.

The morality that the painter would to do show is that we mustn’t say things which can hurt somebody and we mustn’t repeat this things!

I like this painting because it is funny but it shows a real problem