Bilbo the Hobbit – Peter Jackson

On the eve of the output of the second part of the film Bilbo the Hobbit by Tolkien rehabilitate by Petter Jackson, I’m going to give my own mind about the first part.

Reminding of the three Lord of the Ring, I feel disapoint by Bilbo. First, having read the book, I wonder why they made the film in few parts knowing that the book is pretty short (exept interminable description of landscapes, I mean). Consequently, nothing happend ! Be honest, if you saw it, you was boring, don’t you ? Next, even if there was really beautiful pictures on screan (again and again landscape ! That is the Tolkien’s and Jackson’s strength), I was destabilized by the design of the characters. I believed I was on a kind of freaky fary tale. I was thinking like » is Peter Jackson actually working with disney ? ». So, I check it: he doesn’t. So has he finally realized that it could to be good for children? Mistery… To finish, the last but not the least point of disapointment : the end.I mean, I’m just waiting for action for two hours and it cut when it is going to star ? » No! Is it a joke? Dude, you can’t do this to me! I beg! It is a kind of torture you know? » is probably what I would say to mr.Jackson if he was here. Oddly, he wasn’t.It’s a pity!

And to your opinion ? Will you watch the second one?

2 réflexions sur « Bilbo the Hobbit – Peter Jackson »

  1. I was also disappointed by the first Hobbit, on the other hand I love the landscapes and the design of the characters! 
    Wow the action was realy great ! (irony )
    Even my mother who in usually fear of kind of movie, fell asleep during all the movie!

    Being a fan of Tolkien and Jackson, I have seen The Hobbit: the desolation of smaug…
    My reaction to the end:  » WHAT ? SERIOUSLY ?  »
    I believed that my streaming had stopped before the real end but not ! I hallucinated when I saw the end credits.
    To my biggest regret, I think that Tolkien and Jackson should never have made the movie of Hobbit… Even if I always have so much pleasure to see Legolas !

  2. I haven’t watch they other movies of this « series » but I like it. The landscape are fantastic. I like the humorous touches in this movie, as with the barrels. But this end isn’t accepted because we don’t know how will pull the village…

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