Bilbo The Hobbit

Althought we did’nt see this movie in class,I really like this film.

I saw it at the cinema and I have read the book. It’s one of my favourite film because I found the sets very beautiful as well as the creature and all the spectacular special effects. Another the stories are always differents as The Lord of the Rings, which I also recommend.

So, if you don’t know what to see, or if you want to watch a film, why don’t you see Bilbo?

4 réflexions sur « Bilbo The Hobbit »

  1. I never saw the movie, but if you said that it is great, I will see it during the next holidays

  2. It is an excellent film one of the best fantasy films. Peter Jackson has outdone itself by giving us an introduction to the saga of « The Lord of the Rings »

  3. I adored this movie because even if it’s completely fictional and as far away from reality as possible you still can watch it without constantly telling yourself that it’s far-fetched.

  4. I’ve never read the book but I saw the movies and the special effects are excellent. I enjoyed it.

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