Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo is an animated movie released in 2003, produced by Pixar and Walt Disney Pictures and directed by Andrew Stanton.
It tells the story of Marin, a clownfish, who tries to find his son Nemo, who had been captured by a human. Hopefuly for Marin, the human who captures Nemo lost his mask in the water where his adress is written : 42 Wallaby Way, Sidney. At the beginning of his research, Marin mets Dori, a fish without memory. Dori is very kind but she annoys a little bit Marin because she forget all and she’s not very serious. Nemo, on his side, is in an aquarium in a dentist’s cabinet, and the dentist wants to give Nemo to his niece Darla, a violent and excited little girl who kills fishes. Nemo and his new friends of the aquarium try to escape, while Marin is approaching Sidney. During his research, Marin, who is overprotective, learn a lot of things about the ocean, kids, education…
This movie is really moving, it’s not just a childlish movie, there is a real psychology. It’s funny, touching, movie, and the characters are really friendly and we have to admit that the graphisms are not so bad for a 2003 movie.

Une réflexion sur « Finding Nemo »

  1. One of my favourite animated movie. I always remember the adress not like Dori 😉

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