Animal Farm

George Orwell is a British author. He was born in 1903 in India. His real name is Eric Arthur Blair. His most famous novel is 1984 but I want to deal with the book Animal Farm. This novel was written in 1947 in french. This is an apologue, a political novel.

The scene takes place in England more exactly in an England farm. The owners are Mr and Mrs Jones. In this farm there are a lot of animals, like pigs, dogs, horses, sheep or birds. Mr Jones doesn’t take care of his animals. One day these animals make revolution and get rid of Mr et Mrs Jones. They take control of the farm. After that the animals create a new laws of their farm, for these humans are ennemies and all animals are equal. But the dream became a nightmare for some animals. Pigs take control with violence. They change laws in secret, they manipulate other animals. The system of democracy became a totalitarian regim. We see the evolution of the animal farm and her political system. We want to know how this story will end ?

In fact, Animal Farm is a representation of the Russian revolution and of the stalinism. George Orwel do a critic of these two references. The novel criticize the totalitarism, Staline, Marx… The author has a smart writting because he use animals and fiction to shows what is his own opinion of a delicate subjects, the politic and the war.

I love this novel because the story is sympathic but it has a goal, there is not just for the entertainment. This novel shows an opinion and the reader has a relfexion after reading Animal Farm.

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