Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet is an theatre play by William Shakespeare. It was published in 1597. It is an tragedy. One of the most populary theatre play by William Sahkespeare, that work of art is know by all the world.

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He is considerring like one of the tallest poet, dramatist and writter of english culture. He wrote Hamlet, Macbeth and a lot of others theatre player.

We are going to talk about Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are the main characters in this theatre play. They fall in love at a party but their families are ennemies. So they can’t married. With the help of Friar Laurence, they marry in secret. But after Romeo and Juliet’s wedding night Romeo kills Juliet’s cousin in a duel. That is a tragic event because he is obliged to leave her. His life is in danger.

At the same time Juliet’s parents want that their daughter marry Paris. They don’t know that she is already married. At the beginning she refused but after she accepted. She accepted because she has a plan, she wants to fake her death and lives with Romeo for all their life. This plan became reality with Friar Laurence ‘s help. He gives at Juliet a sleeping potion. She seems to be dead but it’s fake. When Romeo visits her he is wrecked because he doesn’t know the stratagem of Juliet. He kills himself because he thinks that his love is dead. When Juliet wakes up she discovers that Romeo kills himself and she kills herself. It’s an dramatical end.

I love this story because for me it’s a classique of the literature. I ‘m crazy about work art of William Shakespeare, he was a great dramatist. This story is very addictive. It’s an old story but it is a famous story yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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