Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

At the very beginning when I heard about this book, he caught the eye to me at once but the opportunity had appeared never really. But that’s it I finally took the plunge and I plunged into this magnificent book.

Jacob is a very normal young person, with a family which has its secrets and a grandfather in the delirious stories ! But is Grandpa Portman as well crazy as we think of it?

I did not think of being allowed embark so by this history and nevertheless it was the case. Once gone into the novel I wanted to know the end and to understand  if all that we tell to Jacob since he was a child is true or not! But once the quest begun, I began to find it a little bit long, and then the more and more interesting photos arrived and my interest woke up! From the moment Jacob finds « them » I did not know how to any more release the book. I always wanted to learn it more, and especially to learn it more on the monsters which populate this novel.

And then we make THE decisive meeting of the book, that of the Miss Peregrinates, and the story takes another scale. The fantastic part is justified by « monsters » which we know very well in the end … I shall let you discover about whom I speak, but from front pages you will understand very well!

The end of the novel is full of new developments and maintaining it delays me only a thing, to have the continuation to understand where is going to lead this quest. Because we suspect although what we saw in this first volume is just the top of the Machiavellian plan! Deeply!

At the level of the characters I loved a lot Jacob who finally is lost as well as we him would be at his place. He is a just man catapulted in this story. Emma and the other children have this young something who makes that we can only love them, and now I want to have of them news !

The style of the author is really pleasant, even if there are moments longer than others. But photos and drawings which there is throughout the book bring us a discovery furthermore.

To finish, a first volume which makes the mouth water to us for the next !



And you can here, check the website of the author, there are few things about the author, his books and more ! http://www.ransomriggs.com/index.php

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