The Wolf Of Wall Street


For this first article I’m going to talk about a film. The Wolf of wall street. Directed by Martin Scorsese in 2013. Inspired by a true story, the film is about the ascent of Jordan Belfort, a stock broker ( interpreted by Leonardo DiCaprio ) at New York in the 80s. From « the american Dream », He is going to pass in a life of corruption and excess, in big part because of the business world. His accumulated fortune and His success is worth to him the name of  » Wolf of Wall Street « . He will be attracted by the power, the drug, the women and more ! But for Jordan the modesty doesn’t exist any more, He literally thinks he is indestructible.

I really loved watching the film but If I have to say something negative about it, it is the length ! ( The film is VERY long ! ) A few times I found there was long scenes, and it’s disturbed me a bit. But I was amazed by actor’s game of Leonardo DiCaprio, this actor confirms that he can interpret any role and be excellent in each of them. Matthew McConaughey amazes me too, I didn’t know him so much than that before that film.
The history is gradually set up during the first part of the movie. We laugh a lot, ( I expected it when I saw the trailer ). All the characters are really important and all of them are particular and give a touch in more in the film. So maybe that’s the reason why I liked it ! So, If I have one thing to tell you is that you should watch this movie !

Une réflexion sur « The Wolf Of Wall Street »

  1. I find that Di Caprio is a good actor, however I don’t arrive to like his personality or during the roles where he play.

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