Don’t turn around, Michelle Gagnon

   Don’t turn around is a novel, more particularly a young adult thriller, written by Michelle Gagnon. We follow the adventure of Noa Torson, a teenage girl in her city which is Boston.

   Noa, young orphan hacker, wakes up one day on an operating table, a cut in her chest. She will succeed to escape this unknown place but the men who worked there are going to track her. Between hiding places, friendships, runs and discoveries, Noa will do her best to make it out and she wishes she’s going to find out the truth.

   From the first line you will be transported in an endless (as it seems) crazy experience with suspence and you and the main character will never have the time to rest.

   I loved it because the story is catching from the beginning and it never disappointed me. We can easily identify to Noa Torson, the main character, because, even if she’s a strong girl, she still has a lovely sensitivity. There is also this virtual side, indeed it talks a lot about technology with the hackers and we can identify to that too while learning some stuff about it.

   The first tome of this series made me waiting for the next one with impatience !

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