3eme: Etude de documents Bilan thème 3

Etude de documents

Bilan thème 3


La Veme République


  1. 195 questions 1-3-5


doc5 p 197

Qui est représenté ? Comment est-il critiqué ?


p 201 La cohabitation

doc3 Suite à quel événement la France entre-t-elle en cohabitation en 1997 ? Qui est président? 1er ministre ?

p 211 question 1 à 3


p 214 simone Veil

question 1


p 218 Immigration en France

questions 1 et 3

p 231 question 1 et 2  


37 commentaires

  1. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia for years, and after demanding CBD like because of the first once upon a time, I at the last moment knowing a loaded night of pacific sleep. It was like a force had been lifted off the mark my shoulders. The calming effects were indulgent despite it profound, allowing me to meaning free naturally without feeling punchy the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime desire, which was an unexpected but welcome bonus. The tactfulness was a minute lusty, but nothing intolerable. Overall, CBD has been a game-changer inasmuch as my siesta and anxiety issues, and I’m thankful to arrange discovered its benefits.

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