Films, livres, TV, journaux à lire pendant les Vacances

Des journaux fantastiques ET gratuits 

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MON QUOTIDIEN (10/13 ans)

L’ECO ( Journal spécialisé sur l’économie)

1Jour1Actu ( 10-15 ans)


Des Emissions, reportages documentaires sélectionnés par FRANCE TV

Une magnifique sélection d’ARTE TV


Lorsque vous regardez un documentaire, envoyez moi par mail ou pronote un petit commentaire , nous le posterons pour conseiller vos camarades ! 

Pensez à regarder le blog régulièrement pendant les vacances , il y aura plein de nouvelles suggestions !



14 commentaires

  1. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia looking for years, and after tiring CBD like for the first mores, I for ever experienced a loaded eventide of pacific sleep. It was like a force had been lifted off my shoulders. The calming effects were merciful still sage, allowing me to drift free obviously without sensibilities confused the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime angst, which was an unexpected but acceptable bonus. The tactfulness was a fraction shameless, but nothing intolerable. Blanket, CBD has been a game-changer inasmuch as my slumber and uneasiness issues, and I’m grateful to arrange discovered its benefits.

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